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Table 1 Sample characteristics at baseline (N = 864)

From: Agreement between self-reported healthcare service use and administrative records in a longitudinal study of adults recently released from prison


N (%)


197 (22.8)


170 (19.7)

Mental illness ever

382 (44.2)

Educated 10+ years

519 (60.1)

Age 18–24 years

196 (22.7)

 25–44 years

528 (61.1)

 45+ years

140 (16.2)

Intellectual disability

75 (8.7)

Hepatitis C exposeda

127 (14.9)

Taking Central Nervous System medicationsb

256 (30.6)

Injected drugs ever

468 (54.2)

Opioid use weekly or mored

127 (14.7)

Methamphetamine use weekly or mored

217 (25.2)

Cannabis use weekly or mored

330 (38.2)

Possibly alcohol dependent (AUDIT > 20)c

227 (26.7)

Stable accommodationd

727 (84.1)


475 (51.5)

  1. a N = 853 b N = 838 c N = 849 dprior to incarceration