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Table 2 Orana Haven Organisational Program Logic

From: The development of a healing model of care for an Indigenous drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation service: a community-based participatory research approach

a. Organisational areas of needa

b. Treatment

c. Mechanisms of change

d. Process measures

e. Outcomes

Core organisational components

Flexible activities

1. Effective culturally safe service delivery

Links with services and other networks

- Partnerships with local services

Ongoing strong partnerships with local service providers and external networks

Type and no. of services or programs integrated into OH service delivery

Improved primary and secondary client outcomes (Table 1)

- Networks across the field (eg. NADA, Bila Muuji)

Regular CQI feedback to inform local decision making

No. of network meetings attended

- CQI cycles and capacity building

2. Supported and skilled staff

Staff skills

- Staff must be client-centred

Client-centred staff committed to improving client outcomes

No. of staff training completed

Improved client intake/discharge data

- Regular staff training

Pathways to increase and up skill Aboriginal staff at OH

No. of Aboriginal staff employed at OH

Improved staff retention

- Regular clinical and cultural supervision

Staff are supported by OH via regular clinical and cultural supervision and access to training

No. of staff receiving cultural/clinical supervision

3. Strong governance and sustainability

Governance, rules and routine

- Regular Board meetings

Strong vision and purpose of OH program

No. of Board meetings

Program Accreditation

No. of staff meetings

- Annual review strategic intent to meet ongoing accreditation standards

Local decision making from an empowered Board and community

Current OH Strategic Intent

Annual budget

Annual review of treatment and organisational process measures

Annual reports to stakeholders and funders

Regular governance training and inductions for Board members

- Consistent program rules/routine for clients and staff

Ongoing economic analysis (eg. Cost Benefit Analysis)

No. of capital works/maintenance projects

- Strong regional advocacy

Capital works/maintenance projects

- Ensure adequate resources and ongoing capital works

No. of kms of transport

Ongoing partnerships with researchers and funding bodies to ensure adequate resources

- Regular feedback of program outcomes to staff, Board, community/stakeholders via reporting systems

  1. aOrganisational areas of need obtained from three strategic priorities specified in the 2015–18 OH Strategic Intent