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Table 1 Orana Haven treatment program logic

From: Correction to: The development of a healing model of care for an Indigenous drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation service: a community-based participatory research approach

a. Client areas of need

b. Treatment

c. Mechanisms of change

d. Process measures

e. Outcomes*

Core treatment components

Flexible activities

Primary client areas of need:

1. Risky substance use

2. Poor quality of life

3. Poor cultural connection

Healing through culture and country

- Being on country/spiritualty

- Developing kinships

- Making artefacts, fishing bush medicine

Reconnecting clients to culture and country via activities and strong relationships

No. of clients engaged in regular cultural activities

Primary outcomes:

1. Reduced substance misuse (AUDIT/DUDIT* / IRIS* clean urines)

2. Increased quality of life (WHOQoL-BREF*)

3. Increased connection to culture (GEM*)

Case management

- Referrals to local health services and visiting specialists

- Working with corrections

- File notes / assessments

- Client transport

Clients engaged in the program via positive therapeutic alliance between staff and clients

Referrals to AMS to external health and other social services

No. of clients staying in the program for 3 or more mths

No. of Aboriginal Health Checks/other referrals

No. of kms of transport

Secondary client areas of need:

4. Co-occurring mental illness

5. Criminal justice involvement

6. Chronic physical health needs

7. Tobacco use

8. Unemployed / limited education

Therapeutic activities

- One-on-one counselling

- AA, morning, psychoeducational groups

- Informal counselling

Improving client quality of life

Increased understanding of substance misuse (e.g. triggers) and personal strategies (e.g. motivations, goals, timeout) for reducing misuse

No. of clients maintaining abstinence 3 months post discharge

No. of external counselling sessions provided

Secondary outcomes:

4. Reduced psychological distress (IRIS* / K10*)

5. Reduction in recidivism (Pre/post criminal justice data)

6. Improved physical health (Pre/post Aboriginal health check outcomes)

7. Reduction in smoking (RBD Scale* / self-report* / CO levels*)

8. Improvement in employment and education (3mth follow-up data)

Life skills

- Develop daily routine

- Positive role-modelling

- Redevelop personal responsibility

- Vocational courses

- Literacy / communication skills

Reconnecting clients to culture and country

Relearning daily routine and structure to maintain a healthy lifestyle after discharge

Learning and developing work-ready and communication skills

No. of vocational-related courses completed

No. of clients achieving individualised life skills goals

Time out from substances

- Improve physical wellbeing (eg. sleep routine / nutrition)

- Improve mental / spiritual wellbeing

- Smoking cessation

Identify and engage in positive alternative activities to substance use to learn how to take time out from substance substances

No. of clients engaging in regular exercise / cultural activities

No. of clients quitting or reducing smoking

Aftercare support

- Referrals to services post-discharge (eg. ACCHOs)

- Provide a list of support services in client’s community (eg. AA)

- Ongoing phone contact

Continue to access treatment and care required to maintain improved health and wellbeing post discharge

Developing aftercare program post discharge from treatment

No. of clients maintaining abstinence/not involved in crime post discharge

No. of clients participating in aftercare (eg. phone calls, assessments, visits)

  1. *Measured at admission, mid, discharge and 3mths post discharge from the OH program