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Table 1 Table of study assessments

From: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a cross-systems service delivery model to improve identification and care for HIV, STIs and substance use among justice-involved young adults


Description/Variables/Psychometric properties

HIV, STI and SU main study outcomes

 Sexual risk and substance use behavior

AIDS-Risk Behavior Assessment (ARBA) (Donenberg et al., 2002; Elkington et al., 2008; Teplin et al., 2003)

 HIV testing/STI testing

Count of youth who agree to HIV and STI test

 Linkage to SU treatment, HIV care, STI care, and PrEP

Count of eligible youth referred for STI care, HIV care, SU treatment or referred for PrEP

Implementation outcomes


Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8 (Attkisson & Zwick, 1982)

Evaluation of Linkage and Referral Services Scale (staff) Staff acceptability

 Potential sustainability

Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (Luke, Luke, Calhoun, Robichaux, & Moreland-Russell, 2014) (staff)

Andersen’s model: predisposing and enabling factors

 Mental Health

Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993)

Lifetime Incidence of Traumatic Events (Greenwald, Rubin, Russell, & O’Connor, 2002)

 Socio-emotional characteristics

Sociopolitical control scale (Zimmerman & Zahniser, 1991)

Social support scale (Schulz & Schwarzer, 2003)

 Substance use norms and treatment behaviors

Survey of Alcohol and other Drug norms

Barriers to Treatment Participation Scale (Kazdin, Holland, Crowley, & Breton, 1997)

TCU treatment motivation scale (Simpson & Joe, 1993)

Service utilization – GAIN-I

 HIV/STI testing and knowledge

HIV/STI testing history (Kaiser Family Foundation, n.d.; DiClemente, Brown, Beausoleil, & Lodico, 1993; Mullins, Braverman, Dorn, Kollar, & Kahn, 2010; Peralta, Deeds, Hipszer, & Ghalib, 2007; Tolou-Shams et al., 2007)

Perceived vulnerability to HIV

HIV knowledge – HIVKQ (Carey & Schroder, 2002)

STD knowledge (Yarber, 1985)

Prep knowledge and attitudes (Ayala et al., 2013; Eaton et al., 2015; Murphy, 2006)

CFIR: inner setting and characteristics of individuals/staff

 Organizational (climate, culture, policies and procedures) and staff characteristics

National Criminal Justice Treatment Practices (NCJTP) survey (Taxman, Young, Wiersma, Mitchell, & Rhodes, 2007) (staff)