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Table 2 Summary of emergent themes from interview data by each core Collaborative Chronic Care Model (CCM) element

From: Coordinating across correctional, community, and VA systems: applying the Collaborative Chronic Care Model to post-incarceration healthcare and reentry support for veterans with mental health and substance use disorders

Core CCM element

Summary of emergent themes from interview data

Work role redesign

(Structuring care tasks of multiple clinical staff in relation to one another, such that patient needs are collaboratively anticipated and met in a timely manner)

Coordination challenges among organizations involved in veterans’ reentry – e.g., addressing mental health and substance use disorder needs while meeting legal requirements

Patient self-management support

(Strengthening patient’s ability to effectively contribute to his/her own wellbeing even during times when he/she is not in direct contact with care providers)

Veterans’ fear of reentering society – e.g., their ability to get housing, avoid substance use relapse, and address mental health symptoms

Provider decision support

(Furnishing relevant information to care providers about available services, treatments, and expertise, to help them best address patient’s care needs)

Uneven knowledge by reentry support providers regarding available services when deciding which services to connect a reentry veteran to and whether he/she is ready/willing to receive services

Clinical information systems

(Activating feedback systems to share data and monitor both how care is being delivered and how patient is responding)

Lapses in mental health or substance use disorder medications between release and a first scheduled health care appointment, as well as challenges in transfer of medical records

Linkages to community resources

(Connecting patient to care resources beyond those available from his/her main clinical setting)

Inconsistent awareness of existing services and resources available across a disparate reentry system

Organizational / Leadership support

(Championing of clinic’s change efforts toward more CCM-oriented care – i.e., care exhibiting core CCM elements – by clinic’s organizational leaders)

Reentry plans designed to address only immediate transitional needs upon release, which do not always prioritize mental health and substance use disorder needs