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Table 1 Healthcare-induced Trauma by Theme

From: Healthcare-induced trauma in correctional facilities: a qualitative exploration


Illustrative Quotation

Theme #1: Healthcare leading to fear of serious illness or death

“Kind of depressing when you think that they’re [medical staff] to help you and they don’t. I even called my family, because I was nervous that I was going to die.” (Tyler, Age 44)

Theme #2: Healthcare leading to fear of people (including healthcare providers, correctional staff, and other incarcerated people)

“It was the general idea that if you go up there [to Medical], they’ll kill you. Like they just don’t care.” (Dwayne, Age 31)

Theme #3: The institutional, social, and physical environment of correctional facilities leads to fear of place

“It’s just bleeding the vile and the years of- of disease and infestation and people coughing and not covering it, not having the respect for each other, and you know, picking their nose and out it everywhere and just- it’s terrible.” (Marcus, Age 55)