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Table 5 OLS Regression of COVID Concern on Individual Dysfunctional Coping Items (N = 365)

From: Family member incarceration and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dysfunctional Coping Items

COVID Concern


95% CI

Self-Distraction 1



(−.324, .717)



(−.073, .884)

Self-Distraction 2



(−.277, .723)



(.031, .943)

Denial 1



(−.211, .778)



(.188, 1.066)

Denial 2



(−.041, .545)



(.161, .603)

Behavioral Disengagement 1



(.046, .714)



(−.082, .413)

Behavioral Disengagement 2



(.098, .442)



(.261, .490)

Venting 1



(−.435, .301)



(−.189, .461)

Venting 2



(−.247, .408)



(−.149, .413)

Self-Blame 1



(−.150, .552)



(.299, .926)

Self-Blame 2



(−.095, .501)



(.245, .756)

  1. Control variables include respondent sex, respondent race/ethnicity, marital status, college graduate, good health, hardship scale, relationship to incarcerated person, prior incarceration, and crime type.
  2. ***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05