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Table 5 Mental health training for standard (i.e., Non-mental Health) probation officers

From: Strategies for supervising people with mental illnesses on probation caseloads: results from a nationwide study


Total (n = 179)

Rural (n = 73)

Urban (n = 99)

Mental health training requirement for standard officers (n = 178) %(n)

35.75 (64)

44.59 (33)

29.52 (31)

Average number of mental health training hours among required (n = 64) M(SD)

8.09 (7.06)

7.53 (5.72)

8.68 (8.33)

Frequency of mental health training booster sessions for required training (n = 64) %(n)


62.50 (40)

72.73 (24)

51.61 (16)

 Every other year

6.25 (4)

9.09 (3)

3.23 (1)

 Booster sessions not required

21.88 (14)

9.09 (3)

35.48 (11)


9.38 (6)

9.09 (3)

9.68 (3)

Crisis Intervention Team (n = 179) %(n)

8.38 (15)

9.46 (7)

7.62 (8)

Other mental health crisis de-escalation training (n = 179) %(n)

46.93 (84)

50.00 (37)

44.76 (47)

Mental Health First Aid (n = 179) %(n)

28.49 (51)

33.78 (25)

24.76 (26)