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Table 4 Definition of themes and subthemes (N = 45 studies)

From: Building an implementation framework to address unmet contraceptive care needs in a carceral setting: a systematic review



Studies Identified Exemplifying Theme/Subtheme

Policy Recommendations (45)

Policy recommendations suggested by research, health care providers and organizations


Contraception provision during incarceration and prior to release (39)

Recommendations specifically regarding the provision of contraceptive care to individuals during their incarceration and prior to release from incarceration

s2, s3, s4, s6, s14, s16, s21, s22, s23, s24, s36, s37, s38, s39, s40, s41, s47, s51, s55, s56, s64, s65, s66, s71, s72, s78, s79, s80, s84, s86, s88, s92, s93, s95, s103, s118, s122, s123, s124

Training and education needs (34)

Recommendations pertaining to training and educations needs for informing patients, providers, and justice agency personnel about contraception

s2, s4, s5, s14, s16, s21, s23, s37, s38, s39, s40, s41, s51, s55, s64, s65, s71, s72, s78, s80, s84, s86, s88, s89, s91, s94, s95, s103, s118, s121, s122, s123, s124, s126

Need for Contraceptive Care (32)

Details the need and benefits of providing contraceptive care to an incarcerated population including the benefits of providing contraception

s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s16, s21, s22, s23, s36, s37, s38, s40, s41, s47, s55, s64, s65, s66, s71, s72, s78, s79, s80, s84, s86, s88, s92, s93, s123, s124, s126

Justice Agency Barriers (19)

Agency barriers inhibiting individuals’ access to contraceptive care during incarceration


Reluctance to provide care (11)

Justice agency unwillingness or hesitancy to provide care or reasoning used to get out of providing care contraceptive care to those who are incarcerated including lack of knowledge and training regarding best medical practices for contraceptive care provision

s2, s14, s37, s41, s71, s86, s88, s95, s103, s123, s124, s126

Coercive environments, polices, and practices (12)

Details the restrictive, oppressive, and/or forceful conditions of the carceral environment including its policies, operations, and personnel that strip individuals of their autonomy

s2, s4, s16, s55, s65, s71, s72, s78, s80, s86, s95, s103

Policy Deficiencies (20)

Nonexistent, outdated, and/or ambiguous policies that lead to inconsistent or detrimental provision or denial of care

s14, s16, s23, s37, s38, s39, s41, s55, s65, s71, s72, s84, s86, s88, s89, s95, s103, s121, s123, s124

Funding (15)

Financial support for contraceptive care provision activities, programs, and supplies

s2, s14, s22, s39, s40, s41, s65, s71, s72, s79, s86, s88, s92, s103, s123

Patients (22)

Details the patient perspective, experience, concerns, knowledge, and other patient-related information


Patient concerns regarding care (13)

Patient concerns or questions about the care being provided to them

s37, s38, s51, s64, s66, s71, s72, s80, s84, s86, s103, s123, s126

Patient knowledge pertaining to contraception (7)

Patient knowledge about contraception such as, not limited to, factual information, proper use, storage, administration, side effects, health benefits, etc

s2, s3, s80, s84, s92, s93, s123

Patient desires for contraception during and after incarceration (18)

Patient indications that they want to start, switch, or stop a contraceptive method during or after incarceration

s21, s22, s23, s37, s38, s41, s47, s64, s66, s71, s72, s80, s84, s86, s88, s92, s123, s126

Health care Provider Knowledge (17)

Current provider knowledge and gaps in knowledge or requested trainings, information, and education by providers

s4, s14, s37, s38, s39, s40, s41, s51, s71, s72, s80, s84, s86, s88, s94, s123, s126

  1. Note: Themes are in bold text, subthemes are in italicized text
  2. Note: Numbers in parentheses indicates the number of articles supporting that theme or subtheme. Articles can support more than one theme and/or subtheme