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Table 5 Policy recommendations and associated studies

From: Building an implementation framework to address unmet contraceptive care needs in a carceral setting: a systematic review

Policy Recommendation

Studies Supporting Policy Recommendation

Contraception provision during incarceration and prior to release


Provide contraceptive care (e.g., devices, emergency contraception, counseling) (28)

s2, s3, s4, s6, s14, s16, s21, s23, s36, s37, s38, s39, s40, s41, s47, s64, s65, s71, s,72, s84, s86, s88, s92, s93, s103, s118, s121, s124

Allow continuation of prior methods (12)

s14, s37, s39, s41, s55, s65, s71, s84, s86, s88, s118, s123

Allow initiation, switching, and discontinuing of all methods (15)

s22, s36, s37, s38, s40, s65, s78, s84, s86, s88, s93, s95, s103, s118, s123

Provide a comprehensive formulary of methods (12)

s21, s41, s64, s65, s78, s80, s84, s86, s88, s92, s95, s118

Provide comprehensive intake screening to assess health risks and needs including emergency contraception and sexual and reproductive health care (9)

s2, s3, s5, s6, s39, s41, s72, s88, s91

Establish community connections, justice-health partnerships, and follow-up care (19)

s2, s3, s4, s37, s38, s39, s41, s51, s65, s66, s78, s79, s80, s84, s86, s92, s95, s103, s123

Training and education needs


Develop national standard of care including definitions of medically necessary and serious medical need (19)

s14, s16, s21, s23, s37, s39, s41, s72, s84, s86, s88, s89, s91, s95, s103, s121, s123, s124, s126

Write formal policies detailing care for facilities (17)

s14, s16, s37, s38, s41, s65, s71, s72, s84, s86, s88, s89, s95, s103, s121, s123, s124

Utilize or incorporate a reproductive justice framework (34)

s5, s14, s16, s21, s22, s23, s24, s36, s37, s38, s40, s41, s47, s55, s64, s65, s66, s71, s72, s78, s84, s86, s88, s89, s91, s92, s93, s103, s118, s121, s122, s123, s124, s126

Train all staff on legal obligations of care (12)

s15, s65, s71, s72, s86, s88, s103, s118, s121, s123, s124, s126

Train all staff on trauma-informed, gender-affirming care (12)

s16, s37, s39, s72, s86, s88, s89, s91, s103, s121, s123

Train and provide continuing education, including certifications (14)

s14, s37, s38, s39, s41, s51, s71, s72, s80, s84, s86, s94, s123, s124

Train all staff on providing care in a noncoercive manner including how to recognize bias and coercion (19)

s2, s4, s16, s23, s37, s39, s41, s55, s64, s65, s72, s78, s84, s86, s88, s95, s118, s123, s126

Train all staff on the benefits of contraception (10)

s2, s3, s4, s5, s22, s36, s38, s41, s72, s88

Train all staff on proper records management (6)

s4, s39, s88, s103, s121, s123