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Table 9 Peer-supporter roles

From: Dementia care pathways in prisons – a comprehensive scoping review

The roles that peer supporters played regarding PLiPWD included: social/personal care and support with ADLs (Brooke & Jackson, 2019; Brooke & Rybacka, 2020; Brown, 2016; Forsyth, Heathcote and Senior et al. 2020; Moll, 2013; Pandey et al., 2021; Treacy et al., 2019; HMP Littlehey, 2016; Her Majesty's Prison & Probation Service, 2018; Inspector of Custodial Services, 2015; Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, 2016; Welsh Government and Ministry of Justice, 2011; Brown, 2014; Gaston & Axford, 2018; Goulding, 2013; Hodel & Sanchez, 2013; Maschi et al., 2012; Mistry & Muhammad, 2015; Peacock et al., 2018); ‘portering’ (Moll, 2013; Treacy et al., 2019; Her Majesty's Prison & Probation Service, 2018; Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, 2016; Goulding, 2013; Mistry & Muhammad, 2015); supporting prison wellbeing and support programmes (du Toit & McGrath, 2018; Goulding, 2013; Hodel & Sanchez, 2013; Mistry & Muhammad, 2015); gym work and a social environment (Brooke & Rybacka, 2020); hospice work (Brooke et al., 2018; Brown, 2016; Moll, 2013; Goulding, 2013); facilitators (Pandey et al., 2021) and; advocacy (Goulding, 2013; Treacy et al., 2019). In one paper peer supporters were considered a part of the prison MDT (du Toit & McGrath, 2018)