Health & Justice is a fully open access, peer-reviewed journal presenting original experimental research and commentary on the area of health and well-being of people involved in the adult or juvenile justice system, including policy makers and practitioners. The journal fills a gap in the literature by encouraging interdisciplinary, translational science to explore possible ways of introducing health innovations in the justice system.
Health & Justice covers a broad array of research topics and is open to submissions from varied disciplines, including: public health, criminology and criminal justice, medical science, psychology, sociology, neuroscience, anthropology and the social sciences. We welcome original research, meta-analyses and systematic reviews, implementation science, study protocols and clinical practice guidelines, as well as commentary and perspectives on new and upcoming issues in the field.
Health & Justice aims for a broad reach, including researchers, justice practitioners, such as judges, prosecutors and defenders, probation officers, law-enforcement, treatment providers, plus mental health and medical personnel working with justice-involved individuals